Volvo Penta 432A Marine Diesel Parts
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Cylinder head: 501b/ms4
Inlet manifold: a
Engine speed control: 501b/ms4
Alternator: 872235
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 872783
Power steering drive unit sp-c, sp-c1, dp-c, dp-c1
Blind flange kit exhaust outlet: 872238
Repair kit, astern lever drive unit
Cylinder head: 570a/ms4
Carburettor: 855750
Inlet manifold: b
Engine speed control: 570a/ms4
Alternator and installation components
Alternator and installation components
Lower gear unit: 872764
Servo pump
Control for top installation: 851603
Base engine: 857401
Camshaft, valve mechanism and balancer: a
Carburettor: 856690
Inlet manifold
Engine speed control
Starter motor: 855326
Upper gear unit
Upper gear unit
Upper gear unit
Upper gear unit
Installation kit for steering cable without power steering
Propeller cone kit. tool, cone tightening, m16: 872614
Repair kits
Cylinder head
Cylinder head
Carburettor: 857114
Cooling system
Cooling system
Starter motor: 855334
Intermediate housing: spa-1
Link rod kit
Coupling flange: 828390
Repair kits reverse gear
Camshaft, valve mechanism and balancer: b
Carburettor: 857382
Sea water pump: 841640
Starter motor: 872394
Reverse gear ms5b: 854906
Steering mechanism sts330
Control mechanism: 851601
Repair kits duoprop drive unit
Camshaft and valve mechanism
Camshaft and valve mechanism
Carburettor: 856236
Sea water pump: 856952
Trim instrument
Ds unit for power steering
Connecting kit for dual station
Repair kits drive unit
Carburettor: 856971
Sea water pump: 857451
Instrument panel
Instrument panel
Intermediate housing: dpa
Connecting kit for narrow hulls
Control for top installation: single
Base engine: 857400
Cylinder block and flywheel casing: a
Fuel system
Fuel system
Fuel system
Sea water pump: 855722
Instrument panel: 856673
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 872784
Propeller cone kit. tool, cone tightening, m20
Cylinder block and flywheel casing: b
Sea water pump: 856513
Distributor: 856143
Exhaust pipe and cooling water pipe drive sp-c, dp-c
Coupling flange: 827957
Lubricating system
Lubricating system
Instrument panel: 856671
Intermediate housing: spa-2
Electrical oil bilge pump 12v
Engine suspension
Engine suspension
Engine suspension
Cooling system without heat exchanger
Distributor: 856846
Reverse gear ms5b: 854907
Hour meter kit. voltmeter kit: 828711
Lubricating system: 501b/ms4
Cooling system with heat exchanger
Electrical equipment and instrument
Lower gear unit ratio 1, 78:1
Fuel filter and connecting components
Cylinder block and flywheel casing: 501b/ms4
Carburettor: 857248
Heat exchanger and installation components
Intermediate housing: dpa-1
Control for top installation: twin
Lubricating system: 570a/ms4
Carburettor: 857147
Thermostat housing for cooling system with heat exchanger
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 78:1, 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 872204
Coupling flange: 828145
Cylinder block and flywheel casing: 570a/ms4
Exhaust manifold
Exhaust manifold
Cables and terminals
Exhaust pipe and cooling water pipe drive sp-c1, dp-c1
Set of tools
Distributor: 855932
Connecting components drive unit sp-c, dp-c
Hour meter kit. voltmeter kit: 858877
Cylinder block and flywheel casing
Exhaust manifold for cooling system with heat exchanger
Electrical materials
Lower gear unit: 854643
Lower gear unit: 854643
Plate control cable
Clock kit
Lower gear unit: 854038
Coupling flange: 828147
Engine and installation components
Distributor: 856840
Drive unit ratio 1, 61:1, 1, 89:1: spa
Control for top installation: single-alt
Distributor: 857151
Lower gear unit: 854048
Hour meter kit. voltmeter kit: 1140464
Distributor: 856975
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 78:1, 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 872205
Fuel filter kit
Crankshaft and related parts
Crankshaft and related parts
Electrical equipment and instruments
Electrical equipment and instruments
Connecting components drive unit sp-c1, dp-c1
Tool kit, extra
Crankshaft and related parts: 501b/ms4
Alternator: 858838
Lower gear unit: 872766
Coupling flange: 872942
Crankshaft and related parts: 570a/ms4
Alternator: 872018
Lower gear unit: 854318
Control for side installation
Control for side installation
Drive unit ratio 1, 61:1, 1, 89:1: spa-1
Extension kit 1'': 839548
Alternator: 872926
Lower gear unit: 854050
On board kit
On board kit
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 78:1, 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 872206
Main switch
Lower gear unit ratio 2, 30:1: 854641
Mounting kit, fresh water cooling
Lower gear unit
Fuel gauge kit 12v: 828714
Drive unit ratio 1, 61:1, 1, 89:1: spa-2
Extension kit 1'': 854686
Coupling flange: 872943
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 78:1, 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 872776
Drive unit ratio 1, 61:1, 1, 89:1: 872200
Charging relay
Lower gear unit ratio 2, 30:1: 872765
Silencer and exhaust line: 854565
Fuel gauge kit 12v: 858879
Lower gear unit: 854641
Instrument kit
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 78:1, 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 872777
Heater outlet
Drive unit ratio 1, 61:1, 1, 89:1: 872201
Coupling flange: 872944
Charging relay separate mounted: 858841
Tachometer kit
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 78:1, 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 872778
Fuel gauge kit 12v: 1140461
Hydraulic cylinders and ground cable kit
Power trim panel fly bridge
Water heater and installation components
Drive unit ratio 1, 61:1, 1, 89:1: 872856
Silencer and exhaust line: 854513
Intermediate housing
Intermediate housing
Intermediate housing
Coupling flange: 872945
Extra instrument panel
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 872860
Charging relay separate mounted: 859499
Extension kit 4'': 841318
Rudder indicator kit: 858886
Lower gear unit: 854635
Bilge pump. engine room fan
Drive unit ratio 1, 61:1, 1, 89:1: 872857
Silencer and exhaust line: 872409
Shield with mounting components
Shield with mounting components
Propeller, bronze zinc anode: a
Lower gear unit ratio 2, 30:1, 1, 95:1: 872765
Water gauge kit 12v: 828716
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 872861
Handle for control
Hydraulic pump, trim instrument and installation components
Hydraulic pump, trim instrument and installation components
Extension kit 4'': 872090
Propeller, bronze zinc anode: b
Lower gear unit: 854646
Rudder indicator kit: 1140463
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 854021
Silencer: 854566
Lower gear unit ratio 2, 30:1, 1, 95:1: 872766
Water gauge kit 12v: 858881
Charging relay kit separate mounted
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 78:1
Electronic speed and distance log kit
Zinc anode kit drive unit
Rudder indicator kit: 1140465
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 854020
Control for top installation: a
Silencer: 872410
High speed pitot tube log kit
Water gauge kit 12v: 1140462
Reverse gear ms4a: 853397
Handle pt top/side for control: 1140041
Propeller drive unit: a
Connecting components reverse gear ms4a, ms4b
Control unit for digital alternative analog instrument
Control for top installation: b
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 854642
Control cables
Propeller shaft coupling: 828388
Handle pt top/side for control: 1140042
Reverse gear ms4a: 853781
Control for top installation: c
Propeller drive unit: b
Connecting components reverse gear ms5b
Fresh-water cooling
Installation kit for silencer
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 854640
Propeller shaft coupling: 829279
Flywheel casing, primary shaft and clamp ring kit, drive sp-c,
Control mechanism
Control for top installation: d
Propeller duoprop
Reverse gear ms4b: 854900
Control mechanism: 839469
Flywheel casing, prim.shaft, clamp ring kit, drive sp-c1, dp-c 1
Exhaust outlet drive unit
Propeller shaft coupling: 829281
Blind flange kit exhaust outlet: 1140003
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 872371
Control for top installation: 851602
Reverse gear ms4b: 854901
Propeller cone kit. tool, cone tightening, m16: 854666
Control mechanism: 851600
Duoprop drive unit ratio 1, 95:1, 2, 30:1: 872372
Propeller shaft coupling: 819105
Lower gear unit: 854485
Intermediate housing: spa
Reverse gear ms5b: 854905